In April 2023, Statistics Task Force focal points from 13 selected economic institutions in the national statistical systems, as well as experts from development partner institutions/organizations gathered to discuss the strengthening of the institutional governance, planning, and strategy development of key economic institutions in Yemen.
The meeting was organised in the context of the EU-OECD Project on Promoting Economic Resilience in Yemen, it took place in Amman, Jordan, and gathered 18 participants.
In order to promote economic resilience in Yemen, appropriate economic and social data are required to establish a diagnosis of the situation, set objectives, and monitor and evaluate the implementation of the recovery strategy. Following a training workshop on the Advanced Data Planning Tool (ADAPT) in 2022, and under the recommendation of PARIS21 (The Partnership in Statistics for Development in the 21st Century), a Statistical Task Force was designed to play an integral role in coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the Priority Action Plan as well as steering the production of data needed for the reconstruction process.
The objectives of the workshop were to assess the current status, discuss the responsibilities and tasks of the Statistics Task Force in Yemen, learn about the strategic planning in statistics in fragile situations, identify potential synergies between development partners and validate the Statistics Priority Action Plan report and implementation of the capacity development plan.
The EU-OECD project “Promoting Economic Resilience in Yemen” is financed by the European Union and implemented by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Starting in September 2020 and with a total duration of three years, it aims to strengthen the socio-economic resilience of Yemen in order to create viable conditions for economic growth and private sector development. The project is implemented in partnership with the Yemeni Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation.
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